Two Can Run Ten Thousand

When we combine our resources with spiritual cords of love, we increase our potential for overwhelming victories. Our discussion is based on the symbolism of the cord that links the two fish in the sign of Pisces. The cord represents a spiritual connection that will magnify our abilities to create good things. This magnificent power is available to those who make God the source of their relationships.

Produce good things through the inner joy of charity

One of the twelve tenets of the Spiritual Guidance Temple of Truth is to be a producer of good things. These tenets were established for our organization by Her Holiness of Blessed Memory the Illuminated Supreme Mother Mildred Davis Miller. This tenet relates well to the description of charity or love in the 13th Chapter of I Corinthians. Whether you call it charity, or love, loving-kindness, or mercy, it is an inner joy that we receive from our higher consciousness that makes our words, thoughts, and deeds both worthwhile and inspiring. Without this inner joy, even things that seem like worthwhile deeds are meaningless and unfulfilling.

The Strength of Silent Seed Prayers

The March message from our Supreme Father Marshall L. Davis, Sr. to “plant prayer seeds in the divine kingdom and let the supernatural realm take its course to manifest your desires.” This session discusses how these seeds, especially those that are sown in the silence within, grow into great blessing when we patiently wait for them to grow. Like a seed growing in a garden, we strengthen our blessing when we weed our consciousness of weeds like doubt, fear, and anger.

Separating from Carnal Mindedness During the Fast

After the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus the Christ-like a pure white dove when he was baptized, he went into the wilderness to fast and pray. During this time when many of us fast to honor the 40 days that Jesus prepared himself in the wilderness, it would be great if we focused our consciousness on uplifting our thoughts from carnal mindedness as the major purpose of the fast. In this session, we discuss the dove as a representation of purity, and the withdrawal into the wilderness as a metaphor for separating our thoughts from carnality.

The Living Waters of Righteousness

In the study of spiritual comparative religion, the lesson of the Water Bearer astrological sign known as Aquarius teaches us about the “living waters” that can be activated in our life as a continuing source of righteousness. Jesus the Christ spoke of these living waters in his discussion with the Samaritan women at the well. We can find inner joy in life when we realize that God has a source of inner joy for us that will bless us and prepare us for success and victory over all circumstances.

The Role of the Black Family

As Maya Angelou said in her poem “The Human Family,” “we are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” Yet history shows a complex set of challenges that have been directed at Black families. In honor of the National Black History Month theme from the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, we discuss who represents the Black family, how do we identify its members, and how diverse it is. These sessions explore the ideas of African scholar, Cheikh Anta Diop who describe “race” as it is commonly examined as a false scientific concept that is really best studied as Cultural Identity. The major factors of Cultural Identity are historic, linguistic, and psychological. As Diop says, our challenge is to overcome the ideas of cultural aggression.